(Thanks again to Kathi Alvey for getting copies of this) Lake County, California | McKenney's DISTRICT DIRECTORY - 1878 - 79 |
A New and Prominent Feature of this Directory is the fact that every RESIDENT LAND-OWNER in this County appears with the Number of Acres and Post Office Address
ALEXANDER, D - propr Bartlett Springs | HIATT, J F M |
ALLEN Bros, hotel | HOPPIN, J E, saloon, 160 acres |
ANDERSON & LONGWITH, stock raisers | JONES, JAMES P, Post Master,express and telegraph agt, general news agent, and notary public |
ARDRY, Jos. - saw mill, 160 acres | MEAD, J R, groceries |
BARTLETT, Green - real estate | MICKELSON, L |
BROWN, J W - farmer | RUPPERT, A, laborer |
CLARK, C R - genl mdse | SCUDAMORE, REYNOLDS & Co, general merchandise |
GAYNOR & ALEXANDER - liquors | TUCKER, Wm, merchant |
HAIL, J C W - laborer |
ABBOTT, M C | MATTOCK, J W, laborer |
BREWER, Thos, laborer | MOWVERN, John, laborer |
BUTLER, M, farmer, 160 acres | PLUTH, Jacob, teamster |
CHANDON, C F, laborer, 273 a | PLUTH, Peter, teamster |
CHANDON, C F, laborer, 273 a | STUBBS, Chas, stock raiser |
CHILDERS, W J, plasterer | SULPHUR BANK Q M Co, 3870 acres |
GETZ BROS, genl mdse |
ALDRICH, H A, farmer | MILLS, C H, farmer, 130 acres |
ARMSTRONG, I M, farmer | MILLS, D E, farmer, 240 acres |
BASSETT, S, farmer and hotel, 628 acres | PRICE, Robt, frmr, 200 acres |
DORN, Max, farmer, 160 acres | SMITH, J H, teamster, 190 a |
GRIFFITH, John, frmr, 160 acres | SMITH, N, farmer, 160 acres |
HUSCROFT, J J, laborer | YOUNG, M N, frmr, 320 acres |
ARNOLD, S S, teamster | MURPHY, J C, farmer |
BRANDT, J P, stock raiser, 1229 acres | NETHERLAND, S G, 30 acres |
BROWN, J N, farmer, 250 a | NICHOLSON, James |
BROWN, Mrs N R, (widow) | POULSON, John, laborer |
CHENEY, A H, stock raiser, 1006 acres | PRAY, J C |
CONNELLY, J W, farmer, 244 a | QUIGLEY, H T, laborer |
COOLBAUGH, J H, farmer | READ, J L, farmer |
COPSEY, T H, farmer | RITCHIE, A A, farmer 900 a |
DAVIS, John, farmer | RUSH, C C, carpenter |
DAVIS, Mrs N, farmer, 460 a | SHARP, E |
HARRIS, T M, stock raiser | STARK, Lafayette, farmer |
HAWLEY, C J, stock raiser | STARK, Mrs M, farmer, 1350 a |
HICKS, R D, farmer | STARK, T J, farmer |
HICKS, W T, farmer | STREET, Wm |
HUDSON, D, farmer, 1521 a | SWEIKERT, C, farmer, 289 a |
IRWIN, E, stock raiser | THOMARSON, E H, laborer |
McGREER, John farmer, 850 a | THOMPSON, W H, laborer |
McGREER, Henry, frmr, 100 a | WHITEHEAD, J F, farmer |
MUIR, John, farmer, 842 a | WOOD, G M, stock rsr, 4000 a |
AKERS, Austin, farmer and chair maker | KESEY, John sen, 72 acres |
AKERS, F M, farmer, 80 acres | LAMB, J R, farmer, 225 acres |
AKERS, W D, farmer | LEA, J M, farmer, 319 acres |
ANIA, Ramon, farmer | LONG, E M Mrs, dress maker |
AUSTIN, Moses, brick maker | LYNCH, John, farmer 240 a |
BAILEY, H I, farmer, 177 a | MANN, L, farmer, 154 acres |
BAKER, J W, laborer | MARSHALL, M J, (widow) |
BAKER, Joshua, laborer | MATTHEWS, Thos, farmer, 200 acres |
BARLOW, Jas, farmer, 160 a | McCORD, W R S, teamster |
BEHR, John, farmer, 40 acres< | McGRIFF, G W, farmer, 80 a< |
BELL, G R, farmer, 95 acres | McINTIRE, Chas, farmer, 320 acres |
BENSON, A, farmer, 160 acres | MEABERRY, A E, 160 acres |
BLAKE, W S, liquors | MENDENHALL, J S, genl mdse |
BOLE, E B, nurseryman, 160 a | MERRITT, R D, farmer, 78 a |
BOLTER, H R, farmer 200 a | METCALF, L T, farmer, 263 a |
BOONE, J T, physician | MILLER, A F, farmer |
BOWLES, Henry, livery | NOBLES, S B, blacksmith |
BROWN, J P, carpenter, 26 a | O'BRIEN , J J, hop raiser |
BURTNETT, Peter, flour mill, 120 acres | O'BRIEN, Thos, hop raiser |
CLARK, Peter, farmer 456 a | OLIVER, Robt, farmer, 13 a |
COOK, N, watch maker, 13 a | ORMISTON, Thomas, carpenter, 92 acres |
COOPER, H J, farmer, 534 a | PETERSON, A, boot maker |
COX, J L, Justice of the Peace | PIERCE, Frank, blacksmith |
CUMMINS, John Rev | PIERCE, George, liquors |
DARLING, A W, laborer | PINER Bros, (C S and G W) meat market |
DAVENORT, A E, barkeeper | PINER, C A, farmer, 240 acres |
DAVIS, E S, hunter | PINER, G W, butcher, 60 a |
DODSON, Charles, farmer | PINER, S M, farmer, 10 acres |
DUFFY, H W, laborer | POSTELS, John, farmer |
DUNLAP, Mrs C, hotel | REEVES, George, laborer |
DUNN, D, farmer, 160 acres | RENFRO, J H, farmer, 495 a |
EDDY, Chas, farmer, 160 acres | RICKABAUGH, Pres, farmer, 210 acres |
ENGLAND, J C, farmer, 160 a | RICKABAUGH, Seth, farmer, 160 acres |
ENGLAND, R J, propr Springs, 160 acres | ROSEBRAUGH, J W, stock raisr, 160 acres |
FURGURSON, R K, farmer | SAGERTY, T J, laborer |
GADDY, Robt, farmer, 215 a | SCOTT, T T, laborer |
GARD, Davis, farmer, 160 a | SHALLER, H W |
GARD, G W, farmer, 120 acres | SHARTZER, H, real estate, 633 acres |
GARD, I N, painter | SHAUL, B F, stock raiser |
GARD, John, farmer | SHIRLEY, John, farmer, 150 a |
GARD, Joseph, teamster | SIDWELL, J C, laborer |
GINNER, L, farmer | SLOCUM, A A, genl mdse |
GLENDENIN, Wm, clerk | SLOCUM, Willett, clerk |
GOODMAN, G R, blacksmith | SMITH, F & McCLOUGH, W W, proprs Highland Springs |
GREEN, T J, dentist | STONE, J C, farmer |
GREENE, A D. speculator | STONEBRAKER, W M, port pkr |
GREENE, W E, clerk | THOMAS, H H, farmer |
HAMMACK, W H, farmer, 160 acres | THOMPSON, H C, laborer |
HARDY, Henry, laborer | THOMPSON, J L, 80 acres |
HARRIS, Wm, teamster, 173 a | THOMPSON, R L liquors, (see advt) |
HAYTER, D S, book keeper | THOMPSON, S A, carpenter |
HENDERSON, L, farmer, 240 a | THOMPSON, W B, laborer, 160 acres |
HERRON, I G, trucker 160 a | TOWLE, C F, laborer, Kelsey |
HILLYER, H farmer | TOWLE, T F, teamster |
HILLYER, S G, farmer | TRAILOR, E C, farmer, 79 a |
HILLYER, W A, farmer | TRYON, James, farmer, 160 a |
HOLMES, J S, farmer, 159 a | TUCKER, S F, farmer, 160 a |
HOWE, Ira, hotel | WALLEN E, farmer, 160 a |
HUGHES, John, farmer, 160 a | WALLER, J M, farmer 160 a |
JAMISON, J B, hop raiser | WALLER, Wm, farmer |
JAMISON, J H, Post Master | WARDWELL, A H, farmer |
JAMISON, J H, farmer | WILCOX, A W, farmer, 280 a |
JAMISON, J H, farmer | WOOD, C H, general mdse |
JOHNSON, R S, farmer, 330 a | YONGE, JAMES, druggist |
JONES, W D, farmer | YOUNG, J N, blacksmith |
KELSEY, W F, farmer, 150 a | YOUNG, W G, merchant, 46 acres |
County Seat and Post Office. This is the most desirable residence town that has ever presented itself to our observation. It is situated on a beautiful slope overlooking Clear Lake, at a point favorable for the view. The climate is perfection, and is much sought by invalids. When other parts of the interior of California are subjected to excessive heat, the climate here is quite agreeable, and at the same time there are no trying winds. Lakeport itself is very picturesque, and rapidly improving. Distance from Calistoga (the terminus of Railroad) fifty miles. Chief among its industries is Starr's flouring mill, the largest in the county, with a capacity of forty barrels in twelve hours. Hotels are -- Mrs. Chapman's Mound Cottages, and Greene's Stage House. An established feature of Lakeport, and one of which visitors readily avail themselves, is the tour of Clear Lake on Captain Floyd's unique little steamer "City of Lakeport", under the command of Captain Fraser. One does not realize the beauties of this sheet of water until he has taken this delightful sail. The little craft is modelled after the trans-Atlantic steamers, and although she is only about thirty-five feet in length the likeness is striking. She is possessed of (spot on paper)__at power, and can be speeded at the rate of sixteen miles an hour. During our stay at Lakeport we were the recipient of many favors from J. W. Mackall, Esq., of the Farmers' Savings Bank. He has our sincere thanks.
ACKLEY, A, farmer, 50 acres | LAWRENCE, R H, Under Sheriff |
ACKLEY, H H, farmer 50 a | LAYMAN, J F, farmer, 152 a |
ADAMS, Mrs M L, dairy | LEGASSICK, John, bootmaker |
ADAMS, J D, Deputy Sheriff | LEVIN, David, (Levy & Levin) |
ADAMS, J D, liquors | LEVY, A (Levy & Levin) |
ALBEE, E F, engineer | LEVY, S, clerk |
ALBEE, Frank, farmer | Levy & Levin, general mdse |
ALLEN, H, County Assessor | LOGAN, J Rev, farmer |
ALTER, Henry, farmer, 319 a | LONG, J P |
ALTER, I, farmer, 186 acres | LYON, George A jr, books and stationery |
ANDERSON, W L, forman, Farmers Business Ass'n | MACKALL, J W, cashier Farmers Savings Bank, insurance, real estate agent and Notary |
BACCUS, J B, jr, printer | MALE, Jas, cab maker |
BACCUS, J B, frman, Bee office | MANLOVE, W H, farmer, 348 a |
BALLENGER, S, salesman, Farmers Bus Assn | MANNING, Thos, stck rsr, 160 a |
BAINSTER, A, farmer | MANTZ, JOHN, stoves and tinware |
BANK OF LAKE, THE, A F Tate pres, Chas Goodwin vice-pres, Frank D Tunis cashier | MARSH, S H, laborer |
BANKS, J, miller | MARTIN, J M, farmer, 309 a |
BARNES, Jas, laborer | MATHEWS, Wright, laborer |
BARNES, John, laborer | MATHES, H F, laborer |
BARNES, Jos, laborer | MATHIS, J T, livery |
BARNES, Thos, laborer, 140 a | McCARTY, A P, att'y at law and Notary |
BARRY, Capt E, carpenter | McCLINTOCK, J T, farmer, 160 a |
BARTON, Thos, frmr, 40 acres | McCLURE, L H, farmer, 160 a |
BEACH, J M Mrs, restaurant | McCONATHY, Jas, Special Tax Collector |
BECK, A W, carpenter | McELROY, Wm, farmer, 160 a |
BECK, J H, teamster | McGEE, H W, clerk |
BENNETT, Mrs O, frmr, 160 a | McGEE, J B, general mdse |
BIGERSTAFF, Wm J, Post Master | McGEE, W D, agt C L & M Tel Co |
BIGGI, A, watches and jewelry | McHARVEY, C F, harness mkr |
BINGHAM, Mrs T E, frmr, 160 a | McMINN, E A, Mrs, (Mitchell & McMinn) |
BISHOP, O, carpenter | McNEIL, W H, farmer, 110 a |
BOGGS, H C, capitalist, 839 a | MEADER, E M, laborer |
BOGGS, J W, farmer, 300 a | MENDENHALL, D C, clerk |
BOGGS, L H, Asst Cashier Farmers Savings Bank | MERZHOUSEN, Andrew, tailor |
BOONE, P T, laborer | MEWHINNEY, ISAAC, wagon maker |
BRADLEY, Miss I A, dress mkr | MILLS, W G, carpenter |
BRATT, J C, laborer | MILLS, W H, farmer |
BRITT, E W, (Welch & Britt) | MINSTRELL, G W, crpntr, 160 a |
BROMLEY, H, farmer, 80 acres | MITHELL, F, miss, (Mitchell & McMinn) |
BROTT, J F, teamster | MITCHELL & McMINN, milliners, (see adv) |
BRUTON, J J, farmer, 160 a | MONTGOMERY, E, laborer |
BULLINGTON, J, farmer | MOORE, Gawn, meat market |
BUNDY, Thos, boatman | MOORE, Joseph, teamster |
BURGE, Mrs, nurse | MORFORD, S O, County Supt Public Instruction |
BURGE, J C, photographer | MORRIS, G W, hotel and com'n merchant |
BURGER, J F, farmer, 160 a | MORRISON, Z, farmer, 40 acres |
BURKE, J M, blacksmith | MOUND COTTAGES, Mrs S. V Chapman propr, (see adv) |
BUTLER, W J, butcher, 313 a | NEALES, W S, Rev, Episcopal pastor |
BYNUM, Thomas, Teller Bank of Lake | NEWKIRK, I N, farmer |
BYRNES, Mrs S A, farmer, 20 a | NICHOL, M C, wagon maker |
CARLY, S, real estate, 106 a | NICHOLS, R K, Co Surveyor |
CARSON, JOHN J, groceries (see advertisement) | NOEL, A E, atty at law |
CARSON, LINDSEY, Pres Farmers Savings Bank | NORTON, Nelse, stage driver |
CARVER, J H, farmer, 80 acres | OGLE, B, farmer, 40 acres |
CHAPMAN, S V MRS, propr Mound Cottages | OLIVER, H A, County Clerk and Recorder |
CHARMAK, Chas, clerk | PARKHURST, D, farmer |
CHILDS, H F, tinner | PARRISH, James, blacksmith |
CHRISTIE, Mrs I, farmer, 168 a | PAUL, E M, County Judge |
CHRISTIE, R J, farmer, 73 a | PENDERGRAST, J C, Rev, Methodist pastor |
CHRISTIE, W A, farmer, 80 a | PHELAN, C E, druggist, (see advertisement) |
CHURCHILL, C B, farmer, 10 a | PHELAN, N, Deputy County Clerk, 155 acres |
CLARK, Geo S, laborer | POOLE, Chester, farmer, 80 a |
CLAY, B R, laborer | POOLE, John, teamster |
CLENDENIN, S, farmer 80 a | POOLE, L, farmer, 30 acres |
COHN, H & Son, (H and E) genl mdse | POOLE, L C, farmer, 188 acres |
COLE, Jesse, farmer | POTTER, Thos, laborer |
COLLIER, David, hostler | PRICE, Morris, laborer |
COMBS, E, farmer, 160 acres | RADCLIFF, W P, stage driver |
COMBS, F A & SON, (F A and H M) druggists | RANKIN, R A, farmer, 70 a |
COMBS, H M, physician | RANSDELL, J W, carpenter |
COMBS, J C, farmer | RANTZ, W D, farmer, 240 a |
COMBS, J H, farmer, 40 acres | RENFRO, E, brick mason |
COOK, W S, book keeper | RENFRO, Wm H, brick mason |
CORNWALL, M M, frmr, 115 a | RICE, J F, farmer, 40 acres |
CORRELL, J H, laborer | RIGG, J N, laborer |
CORRELL, P L, laborer | RIGGS, E C, farmer and fine stock, 40 acres |
COWAN, JOHN F, liquors | RIPPEY, G C, farmer, 80 acres |
COWAN, J R, Coroner | RIPPEY, H H, laborer |
CRABTREE, Mrs K, nurse | RIPPEY, Jas, farmer |
CRAWFORD, WOODS, att'y-at-law, real estate agent and Court Commissioner | ROBBE, J W, blacksmith |
CRIGLER, J C, Sheriff | ROETHEL, A, boot maker, (see advertisement) |
CROCKETT, R J, stewrd Greene's | ROGERS, Chas, printer |
CRUMP, R W, editor Lake County "Bee", att'y at law, and Dep District Attorney | ROGERS, Wm, printer |
CRUMPTON, Dr H J, physician | ROSS, ALEX, (Ross & Hurt) |
CUNNINGHAM, W M, teamster | ROSS, Guy, janitor Ct House |
CYRUS, Wm, farmer, 30 acres | ROSS & HURT, blacksmiths |
DALEY, James, teamster | ROYAL, J P, teacher |
DALY, P M, farmer 450 acres | RUSSELL, J M, laborer |
DEMING, Theodore, farmer, 210 acres | RUST, Edwin C, clerk |
DICKERSON, Mrs J, soap manfr | SAILOR, L, farmer, 90 acres |
DONAVAN, D, farmer, 103 a | SCUDAMORE, G, farmer, 150 a |
DOWNES, G F, barkeeper | SIMMS, J F, real estate agt |
ELLIOTT, J W, att'y at law | SIMMONS, L G, liquors |
EVERETT, A J, photographer | SLOTTERBECK, CHAS, gunsmith, 250 acres, (see adv) |
EVERETT, J W, Dep. Assessor | SMITH, R O, brewery, 160 a |
EVATT, W H, teamster | SMYTH, J L, att'y-at-law |
Farmers Business Ass'n, W L Anderson, foreman | SNOW, H D, miner |
FARMERS SAVINGS BANK, Lindsey Carson, President, J W Mackall, Cashier | SPENCER, J C, farmer, 133 a |
FARRAR, Floyd, Rev, gardener | SPURR, H C, barkeeper |
FEES, J F, flour packer | STAAB BROS, (H G & J D), merchant tailors, (see adv) |
FEES, J W, carpenter | STANLEY, W S, farmer, 50 a |
FERRELL, W F, farmer | STARR, M, flouring mills |
FILE, Louis, hair dresser | STEVENS, J D, farmer, 52 a |
FLIPPIN, W J, farmer, 120 a | STUART, J M, carpenter |
FORSYTH, Frank, teacher penmanship | STURDIVANT, J W, lab, 116 a |
FRASER, J K, master steamer Lakeport | TATE, A F, President Bank of Lake |
GESSNER, Wm, farmer, 244 a | TATHERGOOD, Robt, butcher |
GOODIN, J J, farmer, 76 acres | THOMPSON, J C, farmer, 338 a |
GOODWIN, CHAS, Vice-Pres't Bank of Lakeport, 200 a | THOMPSON, W A, copyist Co Clerk's office |
GORDON, E H, laborer | THOMPSON, W N, fmr, 243 a |
GWIN, Wash, stage driver | THORNTON, P H, surgeon, physician and druggist |
GRAHAM, E A, hotel, 311 a | TRINDALL, J E, farmer |
GREENE, W W, hotel (see advertisement) | TUCKER, Geo, Deputy County Surveyor, 90 acres |
GREGG, A K, hotel keeper | TUCKER, J M, blacksmith |
GULLY, J P, farmer | TUNIS, FRANK D, cashier Bank of Lake |
GULLY, S G, groceries | UTTING, A A R, pubr Lake Democrat |
GULLY, W T, Constable | WALLACE, J B, farmer, 40 a |
HAMMAK, R J, livery stable | WALLACE, L, Rev, teacher |
HANSON, D M, District Att'y | WAMBOLD, H, gardener, 160 a |
HARTMAN, C J, cabinet maker | WATTENBURGER, A, frmr, 240 a |
HASTIN, A R, laborer | WATTENBURGER, F, farmer |
HAYCOCK, Thomas, farm, 40 a | WATTENBURGER, J H, farmer |
HAZELWOOD, J W, lumber | WATERMAN, M, laborer |
HENDRICKS, L, farmer | WAYNE BROS, ( G W and S A), furniture |
HIXSON, W E, laborer | WESDEMAN, Otto, brickmaker |
HUFF, Wm, painter | WELCH & BRITT, attys at law, (see adv) |
HUGHES, A B, teacher PS, 160 acres | WELCH, S K, (Welch & Britt), and assemblyman |
HURT, C H, farmer | WELLS, H B, res Mound Cottages |
HURT, J W, (Ross & Hurt) | WELTY, Albert, farmer, 440 a |
HURT, W I, farmer | WHITE, G H, liquors, (see ad) |
HURT, Wm, farmer | WILLARD, O B, printer |
HUSTON, J M, farmer, 310 a | WILLIAMS, Davis, Co Treas |
HYDORN, J W W, capitalist | WILLIAMS, James, engineer steamer Lakeport |
INGRAM, J C W, farmer, 240 a | WILLIAMS, Wm, laborer, 40 a |
INGRAM, Jonas, farmer, 239 a | WILSON, G W, teacher |
JENKINS, C C, blacksmith and wagon maker | WOOD, Col, stage driver |
JOHNSON, John, pilot | WOOLDRIDGE, N T, farmer |
JONES, John, farmer, 240 a | WOOLDRIDGE, W H, farmer |
KEITHLY, Seth, farmer, 80 a | WOODRUM, D L, carpenter |
KELLY, J A, propr Lakeport Institute | WOODS, J L, Rev, teacher |
KENNEDY, R, Justice of the Peace and contractor | YATES, Enoch, liquors |
KESEY, Wm, Deputy Assessor | YONGE, J F M, druggist |
KNOWLTON, C V, painter | YOUNG, L A, saw mill, 65 a |
LAKE COUNTY BEE, (weekly) county official paper, R. W. Crump, editor and propr | YOUNG, L A & Co, saw mill, 239 a |
LAKE DEMOCRAT, (weekly) A A R Utting, propr |
Post Office, town next in importance to Lakeport of this cluster. It is beautifully situated on an arm of Clear Lake, twenty-three miles from Lakeport. Its industries are important. They embrace carriage manufacturing, flouring mill, brewery, and planing mill (the only one in the county). We were pleased to meet with Mr. John B. Fitch, a relative of ex-Governor Pacheco, at Lower Lake. He will be remembered as being formerly connected with editorial department of the San Francisco Examiner, and later with the Alta California. He is now publishing the Lower Lake Bulletin, of which journalistic work he is justly proud. The Bulletin is a spicy newspaper, and printed altogether at Lower Lake. Mr. Fitch established the Democratic Standard (now entitled The Tribune) of San Luis Obispo; and also the Democratic Standard of Healdsbur (now the Russian River Flag).
ADAMS, C M, butcher | JOSLIN, A P, laborer |
ADAMS, J O, stock raiser, 240 a | KASTNER, Chas, teamster |
ADAMS, Y H, farmer | KEATING, M, stock raiser |
AKINS, A M, frmr and temstr | KELLY, William, bakery and lunch house |
ALLEN, H, County Assessor | KENNEDY, H, farmer, 800 a |
ANDERSON, Alex, physician, (see Napa) | KESEY, Wm, Deputy Assessor, 160 acres |
ASBILL, Mrs E, farmer, 160 a | KIPHART, Chas, farmer, 160 a |
ASBILL, W D, farmer | KIRTTEY, E B, laborer |
ASHLEY, J G, farmer | KOUNE, A, farmer, 160 acres |
ASHLEY, W H, stock raiser, 156 acres | LAYTON, Daniel, (Marshall, Layton & Co) |
BAINBRIDGE, J G, farmer | LEE, G R, teamster |
BARKER, C C, farmer | LEE, S W, teamster |
BARTON, Wm, bookkeeper | LEVY, I, clerk |
BAYLIS, A W, physician, 144 a | LEVY MORRIS, general mdse |
BAYTON, W S, stock raiser, 1680 acres | LINCK, Chas F, (Mather & Linck) |
BECKLEY, E, stock raiser | LOWER LAKE BULLETIN, (weekly) John B. Fitch, publisher, (see adv) |
BISHOP, G, stock raiser, 160 acres | MARINUS, J B, laborer, 120 a |
BLAINE, Mrs M J, milliner | MARSHALL, A H, farmer |
BONKOFSKY, Emil, clerk | MARSHALL, G W, (Marshall, Layton & Co.) |
BOWER, Jacob, stock raiser, 866 acres | MARSHALL, LAYTON & co, meat market |
BRINES, J M, 160 acres | MASTERSON, Wm J, clerk |
BROWN & MULLINS, boatmen | MATHER & LINCK, brewery |
BYNUM, S, stock raiser | MATHER, John, (Mather & Linck) flouring mills |
CAMPBELL, J M, stock raiser | MATHEWS, Mack, stock raiser |
CANNON, Thomas F, printer | MATHEWS, R, stock raiser, 385 a |
CARLTON, Austin, farmer | MATHEWS, Robt, farmer |
CASTELLOW, T L, engineer | MATHEWS, Wm, laborer |
CASWELL, H, miner | MATHEWS, W R, farmer, 522 a |
CHANEY, S C, frmr, 145 acres | McBEE, W, laborer |
CHAPMAN, Chas, clerk | McCABE, A, laborer |
CHRISMAN, J C, labr, 565 acres | McCABE, G W, blacksmith |
CHRISTIAN, P, frmr,200 acres | McMILLAN, Perry, stock raiser |
CLEAR LAKE WATER WORKS CO, R K Nichols, agent | MILES, James, liquors |
COBB, John, frmr, 516 acres | MILES, R F, groceries |
COFFMAN, E, stock raiser | MILLER, D L, farmer, 40 acres |
COMPTON, H N, wagon maker | MITCHELL, T A K, blacksmith |
COPSEY, C C, farmer | MITCHELL, W E, laborer, 160 a |
COPSEY, J C, farmer | MOORE, J H, trader |
COPSEY, O J, farmer | MORELAN, E, farmer, 160 acres |
COPSEY, S A, frmr, 154 acres | MORELAN, Thomas, farm, 323 a |
CORUM, C A, frmr, 200 acres | MORINE, F, sen, stock dealer |
COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Benjamin Walls, proprietor, (see advertisement) | MULLER, E P, boatman |
COWDEN, James, meat market | NICHOLS, R K, Co Surveyor |
CRABTREE, J F, frmr, 200 acres | MUCOM & SPORNDLY, dairy, 880 acres |
CRAVEN, M, farmer, 452 acres | OLSON, Chris, farmer, 320 a |
CUNNINGHAM, W H, blksmth | PALMER, J C, stock raisr, 160 a |
DARE, M, farmer | QUIGLEY, R V S, farmer, 160 a |
DAVIS, Anderson, stock raiser, 60 acres | RAMITES, Jos |
DELMONT HOUSE, W C Goldsmith, propr, (see adv) | REIFF, John, farmer, 320 a |
DIETZ, GERHARD, watchmaker and jeweler | RENNE, John, laborer |
DINSMORE, R, farmer | REYNOLDS, J W, carriage and wagon maker |
DOUGLASS, J C, farmer | RICE & MADDEN, saw mill, 2406 acres |
EDMONDSON, B F C, stock raiser | ROBERTS, Gil, laborer |
EPPERSON, J M, prospector | ROBISON, M F, stock raiser |
EVANS, Luke, tinner | ROBISON, R K, stock raiser, 320 acres |
FARRALL, James, farmer, 317 a | ROCHESTER, J E, farmer |
FARRIS, W W, frmr, 160 acres | ROOT, W R, music teacher |
FARRIS, Y, laborer | ROWE, W F, stock raiser, 600 acres |
FITCH, JOHN B, editor Lower Lake Bulletin | RUNNELS, C W, farmer |
FOUTCH, J M, frmr, 144 acres | RUNNELS, Jas, farmer |
FOUTCH, W J, laborer | RUNNELS, Mart, farmer, 160 a |
FOX, S, stock raiser | SCARF, Wm, teamster |
GEMMILL, C H, hostler | SCOTT, C T, barber |
GEORGE, R D, blacksmith | SCOTT, J F, teacher |
GETZ, Joseph & Bros, genl mdse | SCRANTON, C P, farmer and stock raiser, 320 acres |
GOLDSMITH & HARDY, liquors | SHINDLER, John, stock raiser, 800 acres |
GOLDSMITH, WM C, (Goldsmith & Hardy) and propr Delmont House | SHREVE, J B, 150 acres |
GREEN, M A, laborer | SIMMONS, Geo R, printer |
GRIGSBY, J M, farmer | SMITH & SNOW, general merchandise |
GRIGSBY, N D, laborer | SMITH, J A, stock trader |
GRUWELL, LABE H, livery and stage line, 327 acres | SMITH, Jack, (Smith & Snow) |
GUNNING, J H, laborer, 360 acres | SMITH, Pleasant, stock raiser, 240 acres |
HALE, J M, laborer | SMITH, T H, stone cutter |
HALE, W J, laborer | SNOW, G H, (Smith & Snow) 123 acres |
HALE, W W, laborer | SNOW, Horace (Smith & Snow) |
HANSON, D M, att'y-at-law | SNOW, M M, farmer, 245 a |
HANSON, D & N, stock raisers, 400 acres | SNOW, S B, farmer |
HANSON, J F, stock raiser, 200 acres | STANLEY, J R, Postmaster |
HARDY, Robt, (Goldsmith & Hardy | STRODE, J M, laborer |
HARRIS, J A, farmer, 160 a | SUTTON, John, farmer |
HARRIS, Saml, laborer | TALLMAN, Wm, farmer, 120 a |
HARTSBORN, Geo, miller | TENNISON, J A, stck rst, 680 a |
HEALY, John, boot maker | THOMPSON, E G, wagon mkr |
HEISCH, Aug, propr Howard Springs | THOMPSON, S H, wagon maker and planing mill |
HENDRICKS, J D, fmr, 547 a | TIBBITTS, O, farmer, 200a |
HENRY, John, laborer | TOBIAS, Nathan J, clerk |
HERNDON, F M, stock raiser, 460 acres | TREMPER, L B, blksmth, 160 a |
HERNDON, G W, farmer | TURNER, C, laborer |
HERNDON, L F, farmer, 160 a | VANN, R L, farmer, 152 acres |
HERNDON, N, farmer, 295 a | VOIGHT, David, 250 acres |
HERRICK, H N, stock raiser, 315 acres | WALLS, Benjamin, prop Cosmopolitan Hotel and Lower Lake Drug Store (see adv) |
HILLS, RUFUS, real estate agen, & c, (see adv) | WARD, B F, bootmaker |
HINTON, G W, laborer | WEST, Jasper |
HOGAN, W M, stage and livery propr | WILDGRUBE, H L, dairy, 160 a |
HUTCHINSON, W H, stock raisr | WILSON, C L, farmer, 160 a |
JACKSON, J L, stock raiser | WILSON, H H, blacksmith |
JOHNSON, Eli, brick maker, 140 acres | YATES, I G, constable |
JONES, A S, stock raiser |
Post Office. Situated eighteen miles from Calistoga by Klint's stages. Dependent for support upon the neighboring agricultural and mining industries. Has about 200 inhabitants.
AMERICAN I M Co, 35 acres | HUSTON, W B, stock dealer |
AMESBURY, Wm, saw mill | IRISH, E W, laborer |
ANDREWS, Geo, laborer, 170 a | KELLOGG, J H, blacksmith |
ARMSTRONG, D B, druggist | KEY, Jos, laborer |
ARMSTRONG, Mrs E, real estate | KNITTLE, M |
ARMSTRONG, W J, frmr, 105 a | LAKE COUNTY M Co, 672 acres |
ASHER, Sam'l, general mdse | LARSIN, C F, boat bldr, 160 a |
BISHOP, C E, stock raiser | LEWIS, J, teamster, 160 acres |
BRADFORD, E J, hotel | LILLY, D W, farmer, 459 acres |
BRADFORD, E U, farmer, 150 a | LOBE, H, clerk |
BUTLER, S G, farmer, 270 a | LOBE, L, merchant |
CAMERON, F, bootmaker | LOBRU, David, merchant, 640 a |
CANNON, W G, farmer and notary, 171 acres | MARTIN, M |
CAPPS, J S, Justice of the Peace, 536 acres | McCALL, F S, farmer |
COBURN, W R, farmer, 362 a | McKINLEY, G E, farmer and Co Supervisor, 434 acres |
COLLINS, J M, farmer, 200 a | PARKER, Thos, frmr, 346 acres |
COOPER, G M, cabinet maker | PARRIOTT, E, farmer, 58 acres |
COULTHARD, C, farmer | PAULSON, O P, frmr, 1105 acres |
CUMMINS, John, clergyman, (Methodist) | QUISHENBURY, M, farmer |
DOBBINS, D M, frmr, 140 acres | RANTZ, D, laborer |
DUNHAM, Seth, frmr, 160 acres | RAWSON, G W |
EDMISTON, C W, stock raiser | REINIKE, John, laborer |
FARLEY, Geo, laborer | SMITH, G W |
FORD, E, peddler | SMYTHE, F H, teamster |
FOX, C N, laborer | STEVENS, J Q, frmr, 110 acres |
FOX, J M, stock raiser, 160 a | SUMMERLAND, I, hardware |
GETZ, M, merchant | TAYLOR, H M |
GREAT EASTERN Q M Co | TURNER, Jas, laborer |
GREAT WESTERN Q M Co, 768 a | TURNER, Wm, laborer |
GREENFIELD, W C, frmr 793 a | VOSBURGH, F B |
GOOD, John, Jr, farmer 182 a | WELLS, Frank, laborer |
GOOD, John, Sr, farmer, 273 a | WELLS, Josiah, laborer |
HANNA, Robt, frmr, 205 acres | WHITTINGTON, W, frmr, 480 a |
HARBIN, J C, laborer | WHITTON, W T, frmr, 160 acres |
HAUGSE, L J, carpenter, 70 a | WILKERSON, J H, frmr, 322 a |
HIBBARD, Chas, farmer, 160 a | WILLIAMS, R, propr Harbin Springs, 320 acres |
HORNING, D G, farmer | YOUNG, C H, hotel, 120 acres |
HUSTON, J H, frmr, 630 acres |
ASBILL, John, stock raiser | EBBINGHAUSEN, F, stk rst, 320 a |
BAKER, W N, physician and miner | FUQUA, T J, laborer |
BELL, J E, stock raiser | IVES, C F, stock raiser |
BOND, Henry stck rsr, 654 a | LAWSON, E I, farmer, 160 a |
BOND, Thos, stock raiser | MORRELL, A F, farmer, 640 a |
COX BROS, stock raisers, 320 a |
Post Office. Situated on a branch of Clear Lake, ten miles north of Lakeport. It is mainly dependent upon the surrounding agricultural and stock country. Population about 200.
ADAMS, D H, farmer | KEATLEY, Thomas, machinist |
ALLEN, G T, mercht, 40 acres | KERR, William, wagon maker |
ALLEN, W L and SG, farmers | LEAGUE, J N, (League & Taylor) 19 acres |
ALLEY, A J, farmer | LEAGUE & TAYLOR, general merchandise |
ALLEY, J L, farmer, 160 acres | LITTLEJOHN, J, blacksmith |
ALLEY, S H, farmer, 379 acres | LYON, G A, sen, stock raiser, 894 acres |
ALLISON, Thos, frmr, 160 acres | MASON, Albert, farmer, 160 a |
APPLEGATE, J P, farmer, 68 a | MAXWELL, J W, farmer, 48 a |
ASHER, M, general mdse | McCABE, Wm, laborer |
BABBETT, C S, frmr, 87 acres | McCARTY, Henry, stock dealer |
BAGLEY, T, stock raiser | McCLENEY, R T, peddler |
BALLENGER, Wm, farmer, 163 a | McCOMBS, A E, farmer |
BENIFIEL, W L, farmer | McCREARY, J E, teacher music |
BLACK, John, farmer, 179 a | McLEAN, Donald, farm, 160 a |
BROWN, A W, clerk | MOORE, J M, teamster |
BUCKNELL, Geo, farmer, 179 a | MOORE, W F, farmer, 174 a |
BUCKNELL, Robt, butcher | MORRISON, Samuel, farmer, 550a |
BURKE, Ben, frmr, 296 acres | MURDOCK, G, farmer, 340 a |
BURKE, E, farmer | MURPHY, W L, clerk |
BURKE, P S, farmer | PARNIER, H, farmer |
BURKE, W P, farmer | PATTEN, J M, farmer, 40 acres |
CARSON, A J, stck rsr, 1354 a | POAGUE, W F & Bro, stock raisers, 129 acres |
CLINGER, R, hunter | POE, A H, stock raiser |
COGSWELL, W, frmr, 514 acres | POE, A N, farmer, 180 acres |
CONEY, Geo, laborer | PITNEY, Jonathan, farm, 151 a |
CONNER & SON, stck rsr, 80 a | REYNOLDS, R G, (Scudamore, Reynolds & Co.) |
COPPINGER, P, frmr, 444 acres | RICE, C C, farmer, 133 acres |
DENISON, M L, boatman, 144a | RICE, W I, farmer, 40 acres |
DONALDSON, A B, farmer, 25 a | RIDGWAY, J, hotel |
DONALDSON, A G, laborer, 32 a | RIFFE, A T, Sen, carpenter, 20 a |
DOTY, A J, roadmaster | RIFFE, J H, laborer |
DOTY, J W, trader and farmer, 89 acres | RIFFE, W, farmer, 160 acres |
DUELL, B, farmer, 154 acres | ROBINSON, J B, frmr, 205 acres |
ELLIOTT, T C, farmer | SCUDAMORE, REYNOLDS & Co, general merchandise |
ELLIS, Enos, farmer, 160 acres | SHATTUCK, D O, farmer, 247 a |
EMMERSON, P N, stock raiser, 1720 acres | SHATTUCK, D P, farmer |
EMMERSON, S R, stock raiser | SHELDON, H B, farmer |
FENDER, Johnson, stock raiser | SHEPHARD, M, frmr, 640 acres |
FORD, B, stck rsr, 480 acres | SHORE, G, laborer |
FORD, H and G, stock raisers | SLEEPER, Capt M, politician, 640 acres |
FRAZIER, J A, laborer | SLEEPER, D O, frmr, 940 acres |
FRITTS, H R, stck rsr, 621 acres | SLEEPER, J H, frmr, 393 acres |
GILBERT, Jacob, farmer, 160 a | SMITH, Wm, farmer, 308 acres |
GILLETT, C H, farmer | SPRAGUE, O, laborer |
GORDON, S J, teamster | STREIFF, F, farmer, 80 acres |
GRAHAM, Arthur, livery | TALLMAN, R C, frmr, 56 acres |
GREEN, Alf, carpenter | TAYLOR, D T, (League & Taylor) 200 acres |
GREEN, B P, farmer | TAYLOR, J H, farmer, 80 acres |
GREEN, Freeman, laborer | THOMAS, H, farmer |
GREEN, J H, stock raiser | THOMPSON, D V, Notary and Justice, farmer, 338 acres |
GREEN, S W, carpenter | THORINGTON, Geo, frmr, 240 a |
GULLY, F M, farmer, 180 acres | TOWNSENTD, E, frmr, 185 acres |
HARROW, E, farmer | TOWNSEND, W S, farmer, 40 a |
HARROW, N W, preacher, 133 a | ULLREY, I M, laborer |
HAYNES, B F, mill hand | ULLREY, Robt, laborer |
HAYNES, G H, laborer | VANN, E P & G W, stock raisers, 320 acres |
HELM, S G, laborer, 429 a | VANN, P W, farmer, 40 acres |
HELM, S W, stock raiser | WALDFOGAL, M, frmr, 200 acres |
HIGRIGHT, T L, farmer, 175 a | WALKER, G W, frmr, 74 acres |
HILYARD, T J, laborer | WALLER, E, Rev, Baptist pastor |
HOWARD, J B, farmer, 800 a | WEBSTER, E A |
HOWSER, J K, farmer, 40 acres | WHITE, R P, farmer, 232 acres |
HUMPHREY, H A, liquors | WOODWARD, W H, frmr, 78 a |
JENNINGS, G N, physician | WYMAN, Wm, laborer |
JOHNSON, Matt, farmer, 160 a | YOUNG, Alexander, farmer |
JONES, J W, farmer, 160 a | YOUNG, P S, sawmill, 160 a |
KEAN, J B, farmer, 175 acres |
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Anita Crabtree anitajc@pacific.net Last Updated 01/25/2020 |
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